World Book Day: Celebrating the Adventures of Reading!

Global Apr 23, 2024

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss. This is an expression to live by; reading is something that we cannot avoid as students! That's just the way studying works, but reading in any form unlocks so many possibilities!  It's World Book Day, a celebration honouring books and writers everywhere and advocating for reading as a human right, so today is more than just any other day.

In 1996, UNESCO established April 23 as World Book and Copyright Day in an effort to promote literacy and increase public awareness of books, reading, and literature. This date commemorates the passing of well-known writers like William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes, therefore it is a great day to honour reading and writing!

What significance does World Book Day have for you as a student?

For students, this is a significant event because it's not just about uniting to foster a love of reading, but also about falling in love with learning! Since reading is the best way to obtain information, World Book Day celebrates yearning for knowledge, and is the perfect time to delve into previously uncharted reading territory.

People all around the world can use this day as a platform to express their love for literature. Together, mass media, educators, publishers, and humanitarian organizations can advance literacy and ensure that everyone has access to educational materials.

How can you celebrate World Book Day?

  • Organize ‘DEAR’ programs: ‘DEAR’- ‘Drop Everything and Read’- programs can allow people to connect with hundreds of peers with the same love for books and reading.
  • Increase awareness: Lend books to your friends  and persuade them to start reading! Getting another person hooked to a good book allows knowledge to spread and increases personal growth and connections. Check out our team’s book recommendations here!
  • Help the less privileged: Apart from reading, having empathy today is also important. Instead of keeping piles of books lying around, donate your unused ones to allow more children to get access to education. Isn't it wonderful how your second hand books can change someone's life?
  • Organize book discussions: Have a group discussion on your latest reads! Connect with other like minded students, whether it's in person or on online forums like our Discord server. Start your journey towards reading and writing, not only for academic purposes but for fun too!

We've all heard the saying "Books should be your best friends," but how many of us have truly lived it? If you haven't read many books yet, today is a great time to start, and if you’ve already read a lot, keep getting better at it! Celebrate books, not only today, but every day!
