TTT #5: "The Ivy League Experience" with Fernando Bilfinger

Careers Jul 4, 2019

Fernando Bilfinger studies Economics, Data Science, and Statistics at Yale. He shares his insights about getting into an Ivy League University and his experiences as a student there.

Due to having a high number of international students, there is an incredible prevalence of ethnic diversity. He also cherishes diversity in terms of ideas and talents. The blend works out in a way that there is something to learn from each student. And the network you form in such a fulfilling environment unlocks ample opportunities in the future.

Faculty exposure, Fernando mentions, is what separates ivy league schools, as well as other top-ranked colleges, from others. You are suddenly having discussions with the leading experts in your area, stimulating endless possibilities.

Fernando founded a start-up that centralizes volunteering opportunities in exchange for cryptocurrency. He hints towards the rise of social entrepreneurship in recent times and how the lean framework in today's rapidly changing world gives us space to make our ideas come alive.

He also mentions a tip for efficient study management. Often, we feel compelled to study six hours straight under stress and manage to do nothing at all. Figure out the span for which you can concentrate and treat yourself with breaks. Complement your study with something you enjoy, and the pattern could be a lot more comfortable than you might think.

Lastly, irrespective of what we want, getting into a university, launching an idea, or anything else- don't overthink the outcomes. Have a concrete plan, figure out your goals, and give it a shot!

If you are trying hard enough and if you are going after something you love, you are going to be successful at it.


Ritika Singhal

Along with Zubair Junjunia

Senior year student passionate about social justice and inclusive reform | she/her