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How To Develop Habits That Will Last...

Wellbeing Jan 24, 2023

1. Begin slowly

Introduce new behaviors gradually. It's advised to start off cautiously and build up despite the temptation to jump straight in. Establishing the habit behavior is your current objective. You should become accustomed to your new habit and begin incorporating it into your daily routine. Start with 10 push-ups instead of 100 each day. Simply include a vegetable in every meal as opposed to completely changing your diet. Less thought is required for smaller activities, which demands less work. These behaviors will begin to seem more natural if they become routine. They'll soon become a customary part of your everyday schedule.

“Change. But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed.” — Paulo Coelho

2. Don't upset the apple cart

This advice will go smoothly for you if you like visual clues. Create a visible cue for your habit by marking a physical calendar with a marker. Draw an "X" on the calendar every time you finish your daily habit by pinning it to your wall or setting it on your desk. You'll experience a consistent flow in a few days. From there, your sole responsibility is to maintain your position and avoid making waves.


3. Specify

With complete clarity, put your habits into action. I'll attempt to write 500 words a day," is not a commitment that is specific enough.
You must be very specific about where and when your new habits will occur if you want to maximize your chances of sticking with them. Here are two efficient methods for doing so:

Linking: Make the new habit part of a longer-running routine. For instance, "I will prepare a nutritious lunch before I go to bed."
Schedule the beginning of your new habit. Make a "writing appointment" where you sit down and write for a certain amount of time if you're attempting to enhance your writing.

4. Give to Yourself

Be happy with your accomplishments. Not only is it important for your motivation to recognize your accomplishments, but doing so also makes you feel good. Your gratifying accomplishment and pride will motivate you to act more decisively and achieve greater triumphs.

Rewards don't have to be expensive, either. It may be something simple, like having a nice bubble bath, going to the movies, or spending time with your significant other. Make feeling good about yourself a top priority. Every action, no matter how tiny, moves us closer to our goals.

The challenge is not to be perfect — it is to be whole. - Jane Fonda

5. Remove Barriers

Streamline the procedure for yourself. Maintaining a cookie jar on your kitchen counter will only undermine your efforts if one of your goals is to eat better. Instead, swap out the cookie jar for a vibrant fruit dish. Your surroundings will alter as a result, improving your chances of success. You have a better chance of sticking with your new behaviors if you remove the barriers.

6. Make Use of Social Networks

You can stay on track with the aid of friends and other motivated individuals.
Good habits are behavioral qualities, and the people in your life may have a significant influence on your behavior. It's time to widen your social circle if you feel motivated to achieve your goals but are surrounded by doubters and pessimists. Make connections with others who have the same desire and passion as you have.

Tattooed woman with laptop

7. Invest in Yourself

Decide to stick with your new routines. In contrast to what you had originally intended, rushing home after a demanding and long day at work might be quite alluring. However, it becomes more difficult to say no if you've already committed to meeting a buddy. By committing to your new habits, you are making yourself responsible for your choices and giving yourself an extra push when things are challenging.

There is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself.

8. Take a long view

The so-called "21-day rule" is untrue. To develop a habit, no set period of time is necessary. Seven-day cleanses and 21-day challenges are examples of short-term remedies that promise quick effects but are not long-lasting. How long does it take for healthy habits to develop? as long as necessary. Having "short-term tasks" and "long-term objectives" can help you accomplish your goal of bringing about long-lasting change. Your chores are the everyday tasks you execute in order to carry out your aims, which are the larger ambitions and dreams you wish to realize.
Your objective may be attained; all it takes is time and perseverance.

9. Personalize It

This is primarily about you. You must always feel that your new behaviors are a part of who you are. Use words or affirmations to support this idea, such as "I'm the type of person who takes my mental wellness seriously. Every day, I must spend 10 minutes in meditation. Every day, repeat these ideas to yourself so you can really internalize them. They will eventually merge with you.

10. Maintain Your Routines

You will move a little bit closer to your objectives every day. All you have to do is keep going. Don't give up on developing excellent habits if you're having trouble doing so. By intentionally changing your perspective, you may start moving in the correct direction and create habits that persist. Additionally, Fabulous can support you while you learn to control your behaviors. You may discover how to encourage yourself and maintain your habits by taking our Build an Iron Self-Discipline Journey.

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Nashrah Majid

Nashrah Majid is an excellent writer, an amazing poet, and an avid reader. And with that planning to become a future engineer, lawyer or a psychologist.. :)