Photo by Advocap

Gear Up for Success: Essential Back-to-School Strategies

School Aug 16, 2024

As we squeeze the last drops of summer, a new academic year awaits, and it's time to shift gears and prepare for a successful journey. Whether you're starting a new grade, transitioning to a new school, or just looking to make this year an A* experience, having the right strategies is essential to make the most of it.

In today's guide, we’ll explore practical tips and tools to help you gear up for back-to-school season, from planning ahead to getting involved with school activities and reconnecting with friends and teachers.

Restore your Sleep Schedule

After the relaxed schedules of summer, getting back into a regular sleep routine can be challenging, but it's essential. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Most importantly, cut out late-night Netflix, YouTube, or any entertainment/social media apps that might keep you up. Instead, try opening Spotify and playing some calming tunes to help you drift off to sleep. Rested and refreshed, you’ll be better equipped to tackle what each day has to offer.

Plan Ahead

As you transition back to school, having a study schedule that you actually stick to is 40% of what you need to get good grades. We recommend setting up 2 study sessions, each about 45 minutes long with 15-minute breaks between them. This structure not only helps you manage your time effectively but also prevents last-minute cramming and stress. Even if you just go over what you did in class each day, it helps in the long run! Planning ahead allows you to balance schoolwork with other activities, ensuring you start the year on the right foot.

Keep your Working Space Organized

Returning to a structured environment means it’s time to tidy up your study space. A well-maintained, clean, and comfortable environment is key to staying focused and productive. If you don't have someplace in mind, you could create your own; in fact, we have a post on that, you can view it by clicking this! A clutter-free workspace will make it easier to dive back into your studies.


The start of a new school year is the perfect time to reconnect with friends and teachers. Catching up with those around you not only makes the transition smoother and more enjoyable but also creates lasting memories that will shape who you are and stay with you forever.

Get Involved

Consider getting more involved with school clubs and activities. Joining new clubs or taking on leadership roles in activities you enjoy can not only enhance your school experience but also help you build strong skills which will enhance your university applications.

As the school year begins, remember that you’re the only one who can fuel the fire within you—the drive to succeed, the desire to improve, to become better. Set goals and milestones to keep your mind focused. Getting back into the groove of student life is easier when you’re motivated by more than just the end goal. Embrace the journey instead of the destination, and you'll go further than you ever imagined.‌‌


Wilson Machoco

Tech and sports lover with somewhat of an above average creativity