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How To Avoid Culture Shock When Studying Abroad

University Guidance Jan 31, 2023

Going overseas to study is a major move since it means leaving behind your family, friends, and culture. Learning new customs and beliefs from another nation is a significant adjustment after being accustomed to abiding by the written and unwritten laws of your own society. It may be quite difficult for students to adjust to situations like these.

Students frequently experience homesickness when they consider their families who live far away. Another significant component of being an overseas student is missing the food. Although sometimes disregarded, each of these elements is crucial to the adjustment and growth of these overseas students.

How can one deal with such circumstances while enduring cultural shock in a new country? Let's study.

1. Learn about other cultures and how to get along with those from diverse cultures:

Every nation on the planet has a unique culture and perspective on a variety of ideas. Consider the fact that, in Japan, leaving a tip in a restaurant is not seen as rude, in contrast to the USA where it is. Therefore, one should interact with as many people as one can, learn about other cultures, appreciate differences, and develop coping mechanisms. Additionally, doing so will enable you to expand your social circle and build a stronger network of connections.

2. Discover the nation and learn about it:

Books, television programs, and movies may teach you a lot about the nation you are studying. There are several fictional works published by numerous writers that are situated in various nations and reveal a lot about their cultures. Additionally, a variety of American and British television programs may be seen to learn about local culture and become used to the language. For a deeper grasp of the world of local artists, one might also attempt their works.

3. Determine the country's unwritten laws and customs:

Recognize the unwritten laws, regulations, and traditions of the nation you are studying in. For instance, in Russia, being friendly might do more than expressing a position. Similar to Americans, Canadians are renowned for their kindness and meekness. This would enable the pupils to fit in more easily in a foreign setting and familiarise them with local customs and codes of conduct.

4. Try to forget about home for a bit; spend less time missing it and more time exploring the outside world.

Although it may be challenging and some students may feel homesick, doing well in their individual academic environments depends on their ability to stop thinking about their homes and the things that are connected to them. Instead of yearning for home, pupils can rekindle their curiosity and explore how the outside world functions. Never be afraid to ask your professors and friends the questions you need answers to in order to help you adjust to the new environment. You can ask each other more and more questions by using open-ended inquiries. Explore the city and the neighborhood where you are staying. Discover new destinations and their cultures. Try to get acclimated to the cuisine there. Find people that you can socialize with and who can assist you if necessary.

5. Overcome the language barrier:

When moving to a new nation, language barriers are a typical issue, particularly if English is not the native tongue of that country. By taking lessons or spending more time with locals, a student can quickly get beyond this challenge and become fluent in the language of the nation.

6. Participate in a variety of activities:

You will have many possibilities to participate in extracurricular activities while attending college. Don't pass up these chances since you could learn a lot about the individuals and their routines from them. As a result, participating in these activities is crucial.

7. Learn to be self-reliant:

Since it might be difficult to locate help abroad, learn to handle tasks like cooking, cleaning, and laundry on your own. This is a major factor in the challenges that people have when trying to study abroad. Knowing how to prepare a cuisine from your home country may make you feel at ease.

8. Be ready to overcome obstacles:

In the end, you must be ready to overcome obstacles. There is no way out of this, and you must acknowledge that you will first experience problems. Accepting this reality and maintaining an open mind about it, however, it is crucial since doing so will help you manage the challenging times. It won't take long for you to adjust. After that, the host nation will resemble your own.

In the end, you remain who you are! Try not to fully alter yourself in order to fit in. Be certain of who you are and what you stand for. Enjoy life!
A once-in-a-lifetime chance to study abroad. Embrace it! Take up the journey and you'll create lifelong memories.


Nashrah Majid

Nashrah Majid is an excellent writer, an amazing poet, and an avid reader. And with that planning to become a future engineer, lawyer or a psychologist.. :)