Beat the odds: Finding Volunteer work anywhere

Aug 2, 2024

Whether you’re bored during school vacation, frantically looking for things to boost your college application, or have a passion for making a difference, serving the community is a noble pursuit that everybody should engage in.

It’s simple to want to volunteer, there’s countless reasons as to why it’s worth your time, knowing how to start can be challenging. If you’re like me, you might live in a place where such opportunities are pretty rare to come by, but don’t worry! There’s plenty of ways to find volunteering opportunities.

Real-World Quests

Sometimes the best adventures are right in your backyard, even if you don’t realise it. Check out your school, local clubs, or community centres. Talk to teachers, neighbours, or even your crazy uncle - you never know who might be hiding a secret volunteer mission.

Keep in mind that help is needed across all corners of the world, so there will be volunteering opportunities to find wherever you are. The reason they seem so elusive is because they aren’t essentially delivered to your doorstep. Like an artefact in an RPG game, you have to hunt for them. So send emails to all the NGOs and institutes in your area that align with your interests to ask if there’s anything you can contribute towards. The responses usually won’t disappoint you!

Online Treasure Hunt

If you’re having a tough time finding on-site volunteer work within your local community, try and look on the world’s information superhighway: the internet.

You may find websites you use frequently provide incredible opportunities, such as ZNotes (hey, we love ZNotes!). So keep your eyes peeled while you’re surfing the web! Additionally, websites like Idealist and Volunteermatch are treasure troves of volunteering opportunities around the world, you can even find other paid opportunities!

Ultimately, if the online treasure hunt yields no gold, create an account on a networking site like LinkedIn! This will permit you to connect with people working in industries and areas of your interest, which often results in finding volunteering opportunities that appeal to you.

Create Your Own Adventure

If you're feeling extra heroic, why not create your own volunteering adventure? Maybe you could organise a neighbourhood cleanup, tutor younger kids, or start a club focused on something you're passionate about. Remember, even the smallest of things can be transformed into something huge.

Finding volunteering opportunities is easy if you’re flexible, open to anything and don’t give up! Volunteering is not just about looking good on college applications. It's about discovering your potential, making a difference, and having fun while doing it. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to unleash your inner volunteer superhero and start making the world a better place!