How To Calm The Post-Exam Storm

You just walked out of the exam hall and the sweet sense of relief finally hits you but only to be replaced with the feeling of anxiety a few minutes later. Are you still wondering if your answers are correct? Do you get frustrated that you cannot answer some questions? Well, you are certainly not alone. It is common for students to encounter this kind of situation especially those who have just taken an important exam.

The feelings after completing the exam can be quite overwhelming to some. It is normal to feel some level of anxiety and stress after the exam but the challenge is to manage the level of anxiety and focus on how to calm yourself down. Here are the ways to deal with the post-exam angst.

Take A Break!

It is always okay to give yourself some time to unwind and recharge. Try to engage in the activities that you love to do such as listening to music, taking a walk, playing badminton, or even just talking to cats. Just do fun things that can switch off the study mode for a while. Doing something that you enjoy can definitely help to lighten up your mood.

Bounce The Bad Vibes

Instead of focusing on the mistakes that you made, try to focus on what you did well in the exam. Try to challenge the negative thoughts and reframe them with positive affirmations. Your own negative thoughts - "I'll never pass this exam" or "I will not be getting those As" - may move you into the spiraling stress cycle that is enough to cause anxiety. When your thoughts are too loud and you are brewing a storm of negative thoughts, allow yourself to visualize pleasant surroundings with good friends.  

Avoid Dwelling On The Exam

After the exam, try not to constantly think about it or discuss it with your friends. Do not rehash answers and please do not compare answers with other classmates, as that will make you stress even more. Overanalyzing your performance can intensify your anxiety and create unnecessary stress. Instead, shift your focus to other tasks and activities that require your attention.

It is normal to have episodes of fear with failures in your life. Some fears would pop up, here and there, but do know that they are definitely manageable.