A Decade of Impact: Celebrating ZNotes Intern Success Stories

Celebrating a decade of empowering students, ZNotes marks its 10th anniversary with pride! This milestone highlights our journey of academic excellence and global community growth. Read on to discover the stories of past interns and how their time with us shaped their personal and professional paths.

Mohammad Hamza, previously a Contributor at ZNotes, is currently based in Riyadh where he is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science while also working as an examination supervisor for CAIEs. The impact of ZNotes on his journey has been profoundly significant, both professionally and academically. His early high school years with ZNotes provided him with a supportive community and his first glimpse into the working world. The skills and knowledge he gained during that time have been invaluable, and he continues to benefit from them in his current role. As an Exam Supervisor for CAIEs, he can confidently attribute many of his qualifications to his experiences with ZNotes. His advice for the current ZNotes team and users is to ask questions and engage actively with the community. Don’t limit your inquiries to academics; explore professional experiences and opportunities as well. Most importantly, find ways to contribute and help others.

Kudzaishe Makoni, previously our Partnership Coordinator, completed her A-Levels last year and is currently working in the Accounting department of her high school while awaiting university. Reflecting on her impactful internship with ZNotes, Kudzaishe shares that the six-month experience enlightened her to the significant disparities within the global education system. Despite all students taking the same Cambridge exams, geographical location can drastically affect access to resources. This realization fueled Kudzaishe's passion for leveling the playing field, and ensuring all students have the resources needed for academic success. Now a student ambassador for Educait, an AI-based learning platform, Kudzaishe advises the current ZNotes team and users to seize every opportunity to get involved and help others access essential educational resources.

Pugazah Arasu, previously our Community Lead, recently completed a master's degree in Physics from the University of Bonn in Germany. Reflecting on his journey, Pugazah recalls that ZNotes was his first substantial working experience. This opportunity to collaborate with remarkable individuals from around the world towards a common goal significantly influenced his worldview and personal conduct.

Abdullah Aamir, our current Recruitment Officer and Deputy People Lead, is at home in Islamabad, dedicatedly working at ZNHQ and preparing for entrance exams to Pakistani universities. Reflecting on his academic achievements—7 A*s and 2 As in O Levels, 3 As in AS Levels, and recently acing A2 level exams—Abdullah credits ZNotes for being an integral part of his journey. The precise and to-the-point notes provided invaluable support during pre-exam revisions. Additionally, ZNotes played a significant role in his successful university applications to LUMS and HKUST, where his internship, contributor role, and participation in the ambassador program were pivotal. Beyond academics, ZNotes fostered a proactive mindset, encouraging Abdullah to make each day impactful.

Being part of ZNotes is truly wonderful. If you’re inspired to join, you can apply to become an intern, contributor, or ambassador and make a difference in students' lives worldwide. Celebrate with us as we mark ZNotes' 10th anniversary—here’s to many more years of impactful learning and community!